AM at Bread and Circuses tells us all about Ardoch Roman Fort ...'s N.S. Gill enlightens us about Persephone ...

Eric at Campus Mawrtius is working on elisions in Lactantius ...

Novum Testamentum is pondering the origins of the Etruscans ...

Nvgae Ciceronianae points us to a movie about Oedipus ... performed by vegetables ...

Father Foster's latest: A favourite debate among Romans centres around the exact spot where Julius Caesar was murdered. But while many will tell you it was in the Roman forum our Latin Lover puts us on track indicating a theatre dedicated to Pompey...

Pro Magistris alerts us to the existence of, for all your Roman doodad needs ... (they need to fix their css) ... there's waaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun stuff here ...

A missive on the SCA group alerted us to the existence of a Black Adder script in Latin ...

Issue 8.47 of our Explorator newsletter is out and about ... the weekly version of our Ancient World on Television listings are too!