Somewhat quiet morning ... or maybe not ...

Laudator has a bunch of Gibberish ...

Hobbyblog has a very nice Republican issue with a somewhat mysterious image associated with the Cloulius family ...

NSG at found an article which my own spiders missed on the utility of Classics degrees (at least in the UK) ...

At Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean, PH posts again on associations and Roman Law (a very interesting post ... the idea that laws were not as consistent as our ingrained scholarly assumptions suggest was also a point I made in my ill-fated dissertation in regards to "legislation" on the marriage of soldiers; some day I'll write that one up too)

Roman History Books has some stuff about Sulla in Opera ...

Sauvage Noble posts his second installment for NLTRW (mine was posted last night -- see below ... another will come this evening)

Over at Campus Mawrtius, there are examples of fifth-foot spondees in Prudentius ...

Ancient Coins ponders Cultural Property Law ...

Some interesting papers-in-progress for January have appeared at the Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics site ...

JM alerts us to an interesting-looking article in Astronomy and Geophysics ... alas, just an abstract online, but possibly worth tracking down: Ioannis Liritzis and Helen Vassiliou, "Were Greek temples oriented towards aurorae?"

More quotes at Sympotica Graecolatina ...

New computer game (I assume ... the platform isn't specified) announced: Glory of the Roman Empire

Elsewhere, the Stoa points us to an interesting blogpost at Infocult on trying to learn from podcasts ... what I find interesting about this is the apparent changing paradigm of 'learning' (that isn't so much of a change) -- the need/ability for the student to immediately respond to what is being presented ...

Also elsewhere, Codex posts a warning about bad Hebrew Tattoos (i.e. with errors in them) ... it includes photos ... if folks are aware of bad Latin or Greek tattoos, perhaps they could send them along and I'll do a similar type post ...