Wow ... an incredibly slow news day. Hopefully there's enough here to keep us occupied till we finish our coffee ...

Over at ARLT there's a review of the Boris Johnson documentary thing on BBC ... sounds like something we should look forward to coming across the pond ...'s N.S. Gill alerts us to her lengthy list of resources about the ancient Olympics ...

Campus Mawrtius posts in response to a reader seeking bibliography about public finances in fourth-century Athens ... perhaps some rc readers can help ...

Curculio has caught up with the Ioci Antiqui file, adding six more jokes ... we should also alert you to the existence of a couple of posts which I may or may not have noted before ... A Founding Father of the Oral Latin Movement ... there's also a nice translation of Pliny's letter about the murder of Larcius Macedo ...

Elginism quotes a letter from the Times suggesting a 'sharing' arrangement for the Marbles ...

Laudator has a couple of excerpts on that starting off with the right foot thing ....

Sympotica Graecolatina tells us about wine-making in Eastern Europe (a sorb is some sort of fruit) ...

Troels over at Iconoclasm shows us all the goodies he bought at the book display at the APA ...

The TOC for the Winter 2005 issue of the American Journal of Philology is up at Project Muse .... there might also be something for Classicists in the Winter 2005 issue of the Journal of Early Christian Studies ... ibidem.

Over at Roman Army Talk, there's an interesting discussion on the abandonment of the pilum in favour of the hasta ...

At Forum Ancient Coins, there's an oldish (but interesting) discussion on coins of mythological interest ....

At UNRV, there's an incipient conversation (in need of some spellchecking!) on the ideology of the Domus AureA ...