Bob Bethune posted this to the Classics List and gave me permission to post it here:

In the course of a project I'm working on, I've been visiting dozens of
college and university departmental websites. It's amazing how few of them
do the basics well.

Does your department's website make it easy to find:

1. The postal address? The street address if different?

2. The phone number?

3. The area code?

4. The departmental email, if there is one?

5. Which faculty members teach/research/publish in what areas?

Try this: Start at your school's base ULR,
Empty your mind of all prior knowledge. See what it takes to find the above
five basics. Then try that at four or five other schools.

You may find you can substantially improve your ability to do outreach via
the Web if a few basic points are taken care of well.

... I'll extend the questions to Classical organizations and add a couple of important (I think) considerations

6. If you put out a journal, does your website give at least the TOC of the latest issue

7. Do you regularly inform your members of talks etc. via the website?

8. Do you have an RSS feed for that information?