Dictum, factum (pron = dik-toom, fahk-toom)
(Terrence, Andria 381 adapted)

Said and done.

Comment: At first glance this might seem to have some kinship to the proverb of
last week—some additional little commentary on words and actions. There is not
space here to summarize Terrence’s play and this snippet from one line, but in
short, the issue here of words and actions is one man being urged to do
something quickly because he has been told to. The urgency is to deceive, to
control and manipulate others. Honestly, it reminds me of an interchange I've
heard from adults to children on more than one occassion the likes of which
means: do it because I said so (and I owe you no explanation). There is a
sniff of "but what's really going on here?"

So, for me, this raises another element in the midst of the things we say and
the things we do. That additional element is “being”. We say things. We do
things. But before the saying and the doing, we are—we have being. Our words
and actions can have source in who we are, or they can have source in a
thousand other things. The question for reflection is: if my words and
actions are not coming out of who I am, what is their source? Put another way:
Who or what is running me?

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day is now available on the web.