kalendas augustae

rites at the two temples to Victoria on the Palatine

between 264 and 241 -- dedication of the Temple of Spes (Hope)
in the Forum Holitorium (and associated rites thereafter)

30 B.C. -- Octavian captures the city of Alexandria; suicide of Marcus Antonius (source?)

12 B.C. -- dedication of the ara Romae et Augusti at Lyons

10 B.C. -- birth of the future emperor Claudius

2 B.C. -- dedication of the Temple of Mars in the Forum of
Augustus (and associated rituals thereafter)

52 A.D. -- dedication of the Aqua Claudia and the Anio Novus

126 A.D. -- birth of the future emperor Pertinax

1457 -- death of Lorenzo Valla

1840 -- death of Karl Otfried Muller