This has already appeared on several lists and blogs, but I had promised to delay until Sunday, which is historically the big day for rogueclassicism reading:
Would you be able to help me get the word out to classicists and lovers
of Latin about a project we're starting?
My organization has received permission from Oxford University Press to
gauge interest in the production of the Oxford Latin Dictionary on
CD-ROM. If we receive enough interest in the project, we will be able to
commence digitization of this resource.
If you'd like to pass on this news to your blog readers, you can get
additional details here:
And feel free to get in touch with me directly with any questions you
may have.
Daniel Foster, Press Relations
Logos Bible Software
(360) 685-2314 |
P. S. - We really need your help to let classicists know about this
project or I'm afraid it will never get done. Here's why…
This would be the very first electronic edition of OLD, so we'll be
working from the print edition: keyboarding, proofing, tagging, etc.
It's all very expensive. If we get enough pre-orders to cover the costs
of digitizing this massive dictionary, we'll do it. If not, it simply
won't get done.
Your readers can help get the project done by placing a pre-order. They
will not be charged if the project is cancelled, and they will not be
charged until it's completed. What's more, the current prepublication
price ($149.95) is the very best price that they will see for this
resource. It's about 50% of the list price for print, and it will
definitely go up. The earlier they get in, the better the price. We
always give the best discount to those who pre-order right away and thus
help us get the project done.
So if you can do your readers a favor by letting them know about this
project, it would help us and the whole classics community.