I'm a third year Political Science and Classical Studies double major at the University of Guelph. This summer I've been hired by the Classics department to work on a research project and I was wondering if anyone out there in the vastness of the internet might be able to give me a hand.
The project: To locate and create HTML cross-linking documents of the Delphine Classics. This includes all three parts - the original Latin work, the summary of the work, and all the commentary and notes.
Normally this shouldn't be too much of a problem, right? Find the text, do a quick translation to see what's good and what's not-so-useful, write up some simple HTML code, and hoo-ha I'd be done.
The problem is...there is no electronic copy of these works to be found. I really don't want to have to scan and OCR the text in all these books. I've searched everywhere I could think of and have found nothing. The closest I've come is a copy of one of the book from the Metamorphoses on EEBO but the text is too blurry to be OCR-ed.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
[posted with permission]
Posted by david meadows on May-07-05 at 5:04 AM Drop me a line to comment on this post! Comments (which might be edited) will be appended to the original post as soon as possible with appropriate attribution.