Sunday, May 30, 2004
TTT: Ancient City of Athens
Seen on various discussion lists:
Kevin Glowacki's new site, "The Ancient City of Athens" is a photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens (Greece). It is intended primarily as a resource for students and teachers of classical art & archaeology, civilization, languages, and history as a supplement to their class lectures and reading assignments and as a source of images for use in term papers, projects, and presentations. We also hope that this site will be useful to all who have an interest in archaeological exploration and the recovery, interpretation, and preservation of the past.
12:10:53 PM
Radio definitely sucks ... in case anyone is wondering about these cryptic messages that are becoming more frequent, they have to do with the fact that Radio (my blog program) isn't updating at my website level. It does here on my laptop, but when I check it later, it clearly isn't. This is a long-standing problem and I'm grow wearier of Radio's antics every day ... since I purchased this program last August, there have been absolutely zero updates to it ... that should be a big warning to everyone. I'm going to Wordpress as soon as I can figure out how to fund the increase in web service it will require (a few years ago it wouldn't have been a problem ... right now though, like most folks in the Golden Horseshoe area who have decent jobs, I'm being taxed into poverty ... but that's a different rant).
12:02:26 PM
CHATTER: Without Any Classics Content
As I put together television listings and try to get Radio to post something, I just discovered I'm part of a new demographic: GRUMPIES (i.e. Graying urban male professionals). Of course, my wife has known of my grumpiness for years ...
10:55:11 AM
... I'm not having any luck with anything this a.m. ....
10:20:59 AM
