NUNTII: Professor of the Week Butler University's 'Professor of the Week' is Classicist Albert Steiner:
7:12:38 PM |
THIS DAY IN ANCIENT HISTORY ante diem xi kalendas apriles
5:56:52 AM |
JOURNAL: Anistoriton 8 The March 2004 edition of Anistoriton has hit the web and -- despite the lack of a table of contents to get quick idea of what's in it -- has a few things worth reading, including:
Perhaps this would be a good place to suggest to the editors that the apparent low readership of the site can probably be tied to the lack of any hint of what's lurking behind the buttons at the Anistoriton home page. At least add a button with a 'contents of current issue' or better yet, have the home page indicate the current contents. 5:51:58 AM |
USEFUL: Portland Vase While Minerva never seems to put articles online (and they haven't updated their tocs for recent issues, grumble) , as a sort of update to an article in the September/October 2003 issue, they have put up an interesting/useful chart which tabulates the changes in interpretations of the scenes on the Portland Vase over the centuries. In case you want to look at the object itself, here's the British Museum's page devoted to it. 5:34:34 AM |
NUNTII: Classics in Scotland Here's a nasty spinoff effect of recent decisions in Scotland:
5:00:03 AM |
REVIEWS: From BMCR Luciano Nicastri, Classici nel tempo. Sondaggi sulla ricezione di Properzio, Orazio, Ovidio. Haug on Hackstein on Haug on Hackstein. 4:45:51 AM |
AWOTV: On TV Today 5.00 p.m. |DCIVC| The Emperor of the Steppes 8.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Ancient Clues: Mass Death in Marseille 8.30 p.m. |DCIVC| Ancient Warriors: The Legends of Rome 4:41:35 AM |