Tuesday, February 10, 2004
ante diem iv idus februarias
- 60 A.D. -- Paul is shipwrecked on Malta (traditional date)
- 1998 -- death of Paul Mackendrick (author of The Greek Stones Speak, among other works)
5:33:52 AM
NUNTII: Potter in Greek
The BBC has a piece on the translation of Harry Potter into Classical Greek:
Classics teacher Andrew Wilson, from Bedford, says it is the longest text to have been translated into the ancient language in 1,500 years.
Mr Wilson spent a year on the project, which was commissioned by the publishers.
The book will come out later this year, along with the Irish Gaelic version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Mr Wilson said: "I read an article in the Daily Telegraph which said they were looking for someone to translate into classical Greek. On a whim, I wrote to the publisher and said 'I can do that' as a kind of joke."
"I think what the official line is, is that it can be used in schools to encourage people to learn Greek. Having got kids reading English, JK Rowling is quite keen to have them reading Latin and reading Greek. [more]
5:03:41 AM
AWOTV: On TV Today
7.00 p.m. |HINT| Herod the Great Explores the life of King Herod, the great builder who left behind Masada and Temple Mount. Was he a great king or a ruthless killer?
8.00 p.m. |HINT| Blood and Honor at the First Olympics Explores the first Olympic Games in 776 BC organized by the Greeks. Bodies were broken and literally trampled to death in these "games", where winning was everything.
12.00 a.m. |HISTC| Greece: Journey of the Gods After worshipping the pagan gods of Antiquity, Greece converted to the Christian God. The monks built imposing monasteries nestled in the most remote nooks, rugged coastal cliffs, volcanic islands and peculiar high-rising rocks. The traveller will uncover traces of the Byzantine Empire and its heritage through Mount Athos, the awesome Meteora Mountains and the spiritual island of Patmos.
HINT = History International
HISTC = History Television (Canada)
4:36:55 AM